Dr. Ram Bhosle

“Every treatment is a Prayer, it is a Sadhana towards Advait 'Cosmic Oneness' "

Samvahan and Dr. Ram Bhosle

Samvahan is a healing art which originates from the Vedic sciences of India using vibrational massage. This 3000 year old healing art, was brought back to light thanks to the renowned massage therapist Dr. Ram Bhosle who called this massage 'Samvahan Vidya' which means: 'through which touch could heal'. It is a very soothing massage with gentle touch and pressure using delicate/subtle vibration to release deep inner tensions and stored emotions.

DR. Ram Bhosle practiced classical music and dance to refine his use of rhythms and to master greater sensitivity to vibration through his sensitive vibrating fingers.

Mahavatar Babaji and Bhagwan Nityananda were some of the Indian Saints, 'Avadhuts' of the 20th century who deeply influenced his life. Such profound Sadhus and Yogis guided him through his deep mystical experiences, which expressed themselves in his healing touch. 

DR. Ram Bhosle followed a truly humble and discreet life. Throughout his later years, his time in meditation and yoga offered a pure vibrational touch when administering Samvahan.

Ram Bhosle became a very successful and renowned healer in India and throughout the world, treating the Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Ramana Maharshi, Royal Families of Europe, Africa, Asia ad the Middle East. Dr. Bhosle held regular charitable camps where many poor and humble people could receive the benefit of his massage.  

Dear Dr. Ram Bhosle always attributed the result of his work to God.

Dr. Bhosle passed away in February 2006.

 “I offer all my deepest gratitude and love to dear Ram Bhosle who allowed me to sit by his side during weeks year after year for several years. I bow down in true Sadhana that I may stay faithful to his dear teaching “


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